Monday 23 January 2012

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Concept Art

Surname: Jacques-Belletete
Initial: J
Year: 2011
Title: Deus Ex Human Revolution Design Work
Publisher: Square Enix Ltd
Academic or Popular: Popular, quotations available however.

'We understood that if the players were to truly feel immersed, our visual universe had to be particularly consistent and believable; not photo realistic, but homogeneously credible.'

'We wanted a distinctive flavor, and this is where different aesthetic elements came into play: the stylization, the Renaissance and Baroque influences, and the Icarus myth.'

'Art direction in video game shouldn't only be about making things look pretty, it should also be about communicating ideas.' (p.1)





  1. Good to see you starting your research. For games use the Harvard reference for film or video

    Title. Year. Material designation. Subsidiary originator (director is preferred). Place of production: Production Company.

  2. That's great thanks. I'll be needing that especially when I crossover from concept to production (maintaining the Renascence theme, painted textures opposed to photo-realism etc). I'll try and book a one to one just to clarify my research topic once I get rid of this blasted cold.
